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snazzy time

That's right. Cute style and snazzy outfits are always a neat combination. :D

So, have my current FabFour in color AND in b/w. :D

Charlie's necklace IS a hint, btw, while the matching skulls on Holly's cane/James' belt are just coincidence. :D

Lol, I also figured that this is the place for my sims photos of this bunch. Yeah, I'm retarded and have no life. I could do some vandalism outside but this here is much less dangerous, so... it's a win/win situation, isn't it? My neigbours won't get hurt and I won't get in trouble. <3

James loves reading and literally blowing things up. :| Don't know where he got that from but since the option is there, I could as well as use it from time to time. JUST BECAUSE I CAN. I mean... HE can. Whatever. I love how he was all whiny and "AAAARGH NO! D:" after blowing up his kitchen table and everything else caught fire. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT, YOU MORON!? Children are not supposed to play with fire.

EDIT: LOL! I regret to inform you that James has passed away today. He managed to blow himself up while he was working. :| *minute of silence*

I have to create a new one, lol. xD

Charlie and Holly, on the other hand, are totally girly. You know, chatting (about some absolutely random irish dude here), dancing and... whut? Playing video games!? That's not girly at all. But they have fun, so I let them be. Maybe they'll turn into Gamer Chicks, who knows. ;D

That's it for today! Love you all! <3

3 Kommentare:

  1. Gaming on real controllers is so much sexier than this Wii-thing. :D

  2. My god, you are SO making a point here! I mean, that's what gaming is about, right? Sitting down, relaxing and NOT ACTUALLY MOVING! If I wanted to move, I could have chosen Sports as my hobby. :D

    Though, some Wii games still work the old way. Like the Mario games. :D <3

  3. Oh and did I mention that ur current header looks like "WOAH! :O"? :D
